Werewolf Part 5

-My opinion and advice-
If you’re unsure of how to think and act, my opinion and advice might be useful. This is just mine, so you don’t have to follow it.

1)Your own impression of others is very important. Whether you leave a favorable or poor impression on others will determine if you’re at an advantage or disadvantage. I think you should pay attention to other people’s values. Some people don’t like others who tell a lie without reason. Some people don’t like others who don’t act collectively. When you deal with such people and you want to object against others, I think you should think over whether or not you can persuade them. You don’t want to lose just because you went along with the group instead of following your own decision, do you? On the other hand, when you deal with a person who doesn’t act collectively, rather than insisting that they should persuade us, you should try to persuade them as well. You don’t want to lose because they turned out to be correct, but you refused to listen, do you?

2)A villager has very little information. So if you are a villager, you will have difficulty reasoning. In that case, how about considering this line of thought: “If you had the other roles, how would you think and act”? For example, if you were wolf, who would you want to eat? DIVINER and MEDIUM are troublesome. However, if they are protected by a GUARD, you may have to eat the GUARD first. Alternatively, if a person suspects you and says “I want to execute you”, it would be very troublesome. Should you eat them soon? However, if it seems that he can’t lead an argument, he may not be a threat. You may be able to leave them alone for a while. You should watch carefully. You might also think, “Why did the wolves eat them? Were they targeting the hidden guard, the person who was suspecting the wolves, or someone else?”.

3)In the initial stages of the game, I’ll try to think of as many possibilities as I can. The reason being, I don’t want to lose due to a lack of foresight. Therefore, if only one person comes out as a DIVINER, I won’t immediately consider them to be true. On rare occasions, the true DIVINER will not come out. Sometimes, the special theory surpasses the general theory. Judge by not how the general players do but how these players do. However, if I keep thinking about all the possibilities, the discussion will never progress and there won’t be enough time left. Therefore, I’ll gradually stop thinking about the possibilities until I can find new evidence.

4)Sometimes, an individual judgment decide the game. You don’t have to always take the offensive in a do-or-die battle. When it really matters you have to win.

5)The balance of topic is very important. If you are too caught up in discussing only one topic, you won’t be able to discuss other topics. How about deciding on priorities first?

6)To be a chatty player. Of course, to be reticent is one strategy, but I think “The more you talk, the more you enjoy.”. Especially, as a beginner, if to be reticent is not your strategy, you should ask about whatever you don’t know. When there is a reticent player, you can ask actively about their opinion.

7)To make the truth known in soliloquy. For example, if you tell a lie in normal post, you write the reason for a lie and an honest opinion. That makes epilogue more fun!

8)To use effectively outside. Audiences must help you to think. In addition, it is important to entertain them. Don’t forget that we are fighting in front of a huge audience as representatives of them.

9)To think freely. Don’t swallow something whole like “I read the topic that this is a generally observed formula.” “I can’t understand well, but a person who has done say so. Therefore, probably, it’s right.” To think by yourself and if you can’t accept it, you should insist and ask.

Q1 I don’t know who I should suspect!
A1 Don’t worry. All players think so, too. Because there isn’t an absolute truth in this game. It is important to think as other roles. Not only enemies’ roles but also friends’ roles. For example, if there are many revealing roles, a GUARD don’t know who they should protect. Therefore, perhaps you shouldn’t reveal many roles at a time. Alternatively, if there is a person who insist “I don’t want to reveal many roles at a time”, they may be a GUARD. Then, if they are a GUARD, why did they say such things? … Do you understand how to think? To hypothesize is one way of thinking. In addition, in the latter period, it is also important to stop thinking about the possibilities. After all, you can’t deal with all possibilities, so you can gradually stop thinking about the possibilities. And to suspect is not rude. This is a that kind of game! Let’s enjoy thinking and being suspected. Your reasoning is only yours.

The most important roles. You should not thoughtlessly CO as villager because wolves know you are not an ability user. Therefore, the true ability user will have difficulty in lurking. You should behave like a lurking ability user and protect them. In some case, that you are executed is that ability user survive. If PP occurs, take measures suited to the occasion.

A divination can aim not only a suspicious player like a wolf and a fox but also a reliable player. In short, your ability can make “certain white”. This is the difference from a medium.

Your ability know the number of remaining wolves. Especially, in the latter period, that is very useful. Alternatively, when you execute a zebra of divination, you can judge whether a diviner is true or not.

Basically, you should lurk. However, you should always consider whether you CO or not. For example, you performed GJ once and the number of executions increased. If you want to increase the number of executions again, you have to perform 2 GJ. It is difficult. Therefore, CO is one choice. Alternatively, you don’t come out when you die and you can hide whether a guard die or not. In addition, you should consider whether you aim GJ or defend on a steady basis.

You know one player who is absolutely a human. You have to make use of that information. In addition, you can use “mine”, “shift CO” and “GS multi”. You have a partner who guarantee your status, so you can use many tactics. You should talk with your partner well.

You can perfectly impersonate diviner and medium, because you know all werewolves. (Of course, you can’t perform curse.) If you impersonate them, do majestically. You should watch carefully what kind of player other players want to divine and execute, and think how to avoid. In addition, you may think that a divination and execution is a ability of the villagers’ side, but don’t forget that those are only one means to kill a fox for you. Exploit a diviner for killing a fox.

It is important how to communicate with wolves. You have to look for wolves first and assist them. Alternatively, to lead them actively by yourself is one means. And confuse enemies. Sow the seeds of strife. Don’t be beside yourself truly. Rational insanity is the menace in the true sense.

Fox’s winning percentage is about only 10%.
(E国 17人の時)
However, when there are a few players, you may win more. You should decide whether or not you impersonate as occasion may demand. Your win condition is that you make one side win, so make out which sides are advantageous now and think “Which sides you will wipe out is easier.”. The sooner you wipe out, the more easily you survive. To sit on the fence is one strategy. However, someone says “When end in a one-sided game, they can afford to look for a fox ”


1) あなた自身の他者への印象はとても大切である。貴方は良いまたは悪い印象を与える事ができ、有利にも不利にもなる。私は、他のプレイヤーの価値観を注意深 く観察する方が良いと思う。一部の人は理由なしに嘘をつく事を嫌う。団体行動をとらない人を好まない人も居る。そういうプレイヤーに接する時、そして貴方が他者に反対したい時、彼らを説得できるかどうか熟考すべきだと私は思う。意に反して、集団の期待に応えた事で、負けたくはないだろう?一方、団体行動をとらない人に接する時に、もし貴方が「我々を説得すべきだ」と主張するなら、あなたもそのプレイヤーを説得する努力をするべきだと思う。「実際はそのプレイヤーの主張は正しかったのに、私達は耳を傾けなかった」という理由で負けたくは無いだろう?

2)村人は情報が少ない。なのでもし村人になったら、推理は困難になる。そのような時は「もし貴方が人狼なら、どう推理し行動するだろう?」と考えてみてはどうだろう。例えば、貴方が人狼のとき、誰を食べたい?占い師と霊能者はやっかいだろう。しかし、彼らが守護者に守られていれば、まず守護者を襲うべきかもしれない。または、貴方を疑っている人が「私は貴方を処刑したい」と言ったら、とてもやっかいだ。すぐに食べるかい?でも、もしその人が議論をリードできそうに無いなら、脅威ではないかもしれない。貴方はしばらく泳がせておく事 もできる。注意深く観察するべきだろう。そこで、「狼は何故あの人を襲ったのか。潜伏していた守護者を狙った?狼を疑っていた人を?それとも他の?」このように考えてみてはどうだろう。








Q1 誰を疑えば良いか分からない!
A1 心配しないで。みんなそうだから。なぜなら、このゲームに絶対は無いから。他の役職の立場になって考える事が大切だ。敵の役職だけでなく、味方の役職にも。例えば、多くの役職がCOしていたら、守護者は誰を守るべきか悩む。なので、君は一度に多くをCOさせ過ぎない方が良いかもしれない。また、「一度に多くCOさせたくない」と主張する人が居れば、守護者かもしれない。それじゃあ、もし彼が守護者なら、何故あんな事を言ったのか・・・どうやって考えていけば良いか分かった?仮説を立てるのも一つの推理法だ。さらに、後半では可能性を捨てていく事も重要に成る。結局全ての可能性に対処する事はできない。だから、少しずつ可能性を絞っていけば良い。それから、疑う事は失礼な事じゃない。これはそういうゲーム!考える事と疑われる事を楽しもう。貴方の推理は、貴方だけのものだから。








(E国 17人の時)

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