Werewolf Part 3

-useful topic-

The order of process(処理順) : http://crazy-crazy.sakura.ne.jp/giji/?%28Text%29Commit
1 sudden death(突然死)
4 vote and execute(投票と処刑)
6 to decide the target of protection and the fact that a guard protect someone occurs.(護衛先の決定と護衛しているという事実の発生)If wolves don’t attack the person, the fact that you protect the person occurs. Therefore the system message “XはYを守っている。” is shown.(もし狼がその人を襲わなくても、貴方がその人を守っているという事実は発生します。なので「XはYを守っている」というシステムメッセージが表示されます。)
7.2.1 divine(占い). If fox is divined, they die now.
7.2.2 judgement of MEDIUM(霊能判定)
8.1 decide the target of attack(襲撃先の決定). Werewolf who are dead can’t vote to the target of attack.
8.2 attack(襲撃)and an occurrence of protection and response(maybe^^;)(護衛の成否と手ごたえの発生)(たぶん^^;)
11 win judgement(勝利判定)
12 the next day(次の日)

Therefore … (according to certain person)
Sudden death(突然死) > execute(処刑) > ability(能力) > attack(襲撃)and an occurrence of protection and response(護衛の成否と手ごたえの発生)

But there is one exception(一つだけ例外があります):
Q. Can diviner divine the target of execution?(占い師は処刑先を占えますか?)
A. Yes. I don’t know why.(できます。理由は不明)
“If the target of divination die (tonight), you can divine them.”

Q. Diviner divine fox and werewolf attack diviner. Can diviner kill fox?(占い師が狐を占い、狼が占い師を襲撃した時、占い師は狐を殺せる?)
A. Yes. Because the divination is an ability and ability > attack.(できます。なぜなら占いは能力です。そして能力>襲撃だから)

Q. If a guard is executed tonight, can they defend someone tonight?(守護者が処刑されることになった日は防衛はできるの?)
A. No. Because the protection is ability. And execute(処刑) > ability(能力).(できません。なぜなら護衛は能力だから)

In short, when ability user is killed by sudden death or execution, their ability can’t work.(つまり、能力者が突然死や処刑される時は、能力を使えません。)
Sudden death(突然死) > execute(処刑) > ability(能力)
However, when ability user is attacked tonight, their ability can work.(しかし、能力者が襲撃される日は能力が使えます。)
ability(能力) > attack(襲撃)

Q. If a guard defend the target of execution and wolves attack the same target, does a guard have response?(処刑される人物を護衛対象にしており、人狼の襲撃対象も処刑される人物であった場合は、守護者は手ごたえある?)
A. No. Because the target die first, so wolves fail to attack them and a success of protection don’t occur.(ありません。なぜなら、まず処刑先が死ぬので、狼は襲撃ミス、護衛成功は発生しないから。)

Q. If someone die of sudden death, can they vote? (突然死した人の投票は有効?)
A. No. The person who died of sudden death can’t vote. The person who died of other causes can vote. (いいえ。突然死した人は投票できません。その他の死因で死んだ人は投票できます。)


About failure of attack
1) If you attack the person who suddenly die (tonight) or are executed (tonight), only in this case, the “attack message” was not shown. The attack message is probably “×× ! 今日がお前の命日だ!”. “tonight” is not written, but probably, I think so.
2) If you attack fox, the fox don’t know that they were attacked. (In addition, probably the wolves don’t know whether they attacked fox or the guard defended. This is not written, but probably, I think so.)
3) If you attack the person who is defended by guard, the person don’t know whether they were attacked or not, but the guard know that they succeed in protection.

About interface
(In this time, our interface is right.)
[投票]:to vote
[委任]:to entrust
to entrust the target of vote to somebody.
[変更]:to change
Unless you push this button, probably the target was not decided. Therefore, don’t forget to push this button.
[発言/更新]:to say / to reload
You write something in the box and push this button, you are asked “Are you sure?”. When you push [書き込む(to write)], your statement is shown. When you push [修正する(to cancel)], you cancel saying. If you has ability of talking in secret, the check box appear. When you check this box and push [書き込む], you can write your comment. When you don’t write anything in the box and push this button, you can reload this web page.
[この発言を削除(25秒以内)]:to delete this comment(within 25 seconds)
When you say something and push “発言”, you can delete your comment within 25 seconds by pushing this button.
[あと700pt]:the rest of statement point
When you say something, you consume this point. When it is 0 pt, you can’t say anything.
If you select this and push “発言”, you can say soliloquy. Only you can read your soliloquy. In the epilogue, all player can read your soliloquy.
[内緒話]:talk in a whisper
You MUST NOT use this system. If you use this system, you can talk with anyone in secret, so the ability of wolves, sympathy and whisper lunatic become meaninglessness. If you are wolf, sympathy or whisper lunatic, you can talk in secret by another system. (I explain it below.) I forbid using “内緒話”. Please be careful not to use “内緒話” by mistake. For example, “○○と内緒話”.
When you select a target and an action and push this button, you can perform “action”. This action is not relation to victory or defeat. It’s just a pastime.
[あと24回]:the rest of action count
When you perform “action”, you consume this count. When it is 0回, you can’t perform any action.
[に話の続きを促した。(残n回)]:to increase the target’s statement point
When you select a target and this action and write something in the box below and push “アクション”, you can increase the target’s statement point.
[ここまで読んだ。]:I read up to here
This action is a bookmark. Only you can see this message without epilogue. In epilogue, all player can see this message.
[時間を進める]:to put a clock forward
If all players use this system, the time in game passes. Don’t forget to push “変更”. Unless you say anything as normal statement, you can’t use this system.
[襲う]:to attack
[ランダム]:to decide the target at random
[パス]:to abandon the right to decide the target of attack
For example, if you select “パス” and other wolves select Mr.X, the target of attack will be Mr.X.
[囁き]:to whisper
You write something in the box and push this button, your statement is shown among only werewolf.
[占う]:to divine
[守る]:to defend
[共鳴]:to resonate
You write something in the box and push this button, you statement is show between only sympathy.
[全て表示]:show all
Where this button is is difficult to understand. Please look for here.
情報 プロローグ / 最新
1 2 [メモ/メモ履歴] / 発言欄へ
If you push this button, all post will appear.

When you want to quote a statement, you can use “anchor”.

How to use
[>>]+(a symbol of statement)+[day:]+(a symbol of statement)+[the number of statement]

[a symbol of statement]
[通常発言]:normal statement [nothing]
[独り言]:soliloquy [-]
[共鳴]:to resonate [=]
[囁き]:to whisper [*]
[墓下発言]:dead world statement [+]
This symbol was shown next to [the number of statement]. For example, “(*0) 2012/12/16(Sun)” In this case, [a symbol of statement] is *.

The post which you want to link is the third day. [day:] is 3:.
If you want to link today’s post, [day:] is no need.

[the number of statement]
The number is the lower right of the statement and next to the date. For example, “(2) 2013/01/10(Thu)” In this case, [the number of statement] is 2.

>>40 Today’s fortieth normal statement.
>>2:+34 The second day’s thirty-fourth dead world statement.

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