Werewolf Part 2

This is a non-playable character (NPC) who will always be the first to die. His name is サイモン. He will be eaten on the first night and will be found dead the following morning. サイモン will always start off as a VILLAGER. If you are a werewolf, you won’t be able to eat anyone else on the first day.

通常発言(normal post)
A normal post; does not include whispers, soliloquies, etc.

能力者(ability users)
Refers to any role that comes with a special ability, and can be used to describe the following:
1) Any role except for the VILLAGER
2) Any role on the villager’s side except for the VILLAGER
3) Diviner and medium

墓下(dead world)
The world where dead players go. Players who are still alive cannot see messages written here.


A true diviner

騙り(fraud, cheat)
A person who commits a fraud


占い師騙り(DIVINER fraud)

ステルス,潜伏 (lurker)
1) Someone who keeps a low profile
2) Players who behave like a VILLAGER and don’t come out.


占う(to divine)

To be killed through voting. 吊り is short for 首吊り, which means “hang”.

処刑する,吊る(to execute)

Foxes are killed by divinations. Since the only thing left behind are their tragic remains, most people can’t distinguish a “curse” from an “attack”.
e.g. The tragic remains of a person targeted by a divination was discovered today. Therefore, they might be a FOX.

To be killed by being eaten. A wolf (without a 首無騎士/headless knight) cannot attack another wolf. Since this particular game does not have a 首無騎士, we don’t have to worry about it.
Foxes are unable to tell whether or not they’ve been attacked.
“I want [AT]ヨアヒム.(I want to attack ヨアヒム)” ヨアヒム is the character’s name.

Xが無残な姿で発見された。(The tragic remains of X were discovered.)
This is a system message. It is shown whenever a player is killed by an attack or divination. A medium will not be able to tell if this dead player is a human or wolf.

突然死(sudden death)
Players who say nothing over the course of a day will die. This is because prolonged inactivity is considered to be abandoning the game midway due to ill will. You must not use this rule intentionally unless there are no other options.

“punctuation mark(約物)”
■(Subjects for discussion,#)
#1.How do you want to decide who gets divined.
#2.Who do you want to make leader.
#3.When do you want the DIVINER to come out.
#4.When do you want the MEDIUM to come out.

●(the target of divination,[DV])
“I want [DV]ヨアヒム today. (I want to divine ヨアヒム today)”
“I disagree. We shouldn’t do [DV]ヨアヒム ([DV]ヨアヒムには反対です)”

▼(the target of execution,[EX])
“I want [EX]ヨアヒム. (I want to execute ヨアヒム.)”

<I divined トーマス and he is a WOLF>

@(the remaining statement/action points)
Please read Werewolf Part 3’s “About Interface”. When you want to inform others about the amount of statement points you have remaining, use this symbol.
@700pt (There are 700pt remaining)

寡黙(a quiet person)

中庸(a moderate talker)

多弁(a talkative person)

多占寡吊(to divine a talkative person and to execute a quiet person)

中庸占い(to divine a moderate talker)
A strategy to divine a moderate talker. You can target someone who is lurking. For example, you determine a talkative person’s true character from their posts and execute a quiet person.

寡占寡吊(to divine and execute a quiet person)


確定白(confirmed white)
When viewed objectively, a confirmed white is someone who is considered to be white with almost absolute certainty. Of course, there is no absoluteness in this game. For example, when there are 2 DIVINER(s) and you discuss an issue under the assumption that (a) nobody else will come out as a DIVINER in the future, and (b) the true DIVINER will never lie, the person who was was divined as a human by 2 DIVINER(s) is a “confirmed white”. It is important to identify people who are “confirmed white”.



Players who are counted as humans.

A person who has not been identified as human or werewolf, and has yet to come out. If there are 3 wolves, 3 humans and 5 ash, you can write “WWWHHHAAAAA”.
“Let’s divine ASH to narrow down the amount of ASH players.”

A scale that shows the degree of human (left) to wolf (right). People who have yet to be identified (ASH) are located in between.
White A>>B≧C>D Black
You trust A a lot, but you don’t trust D.

When a person is divined by 2 or more DIVINER(s), and the results are different. The same applies to MEDIUMS as well.

まとめ役制度(leader system)
A strategy for the VILLAGE’S side. Someone is appointed leader, who then decides the target of today’s divination or execution based on the results of today’s discussion. Of course, the use of the leader system strategy is optional.

個人戦(an individual match)
Don’t adopt the leader system.

If a SYMPATHIZER is divined and the results are incorrect, the SYMPATHIZER can choose to come out. You can do this to identify a fake DIVINER, unless there is SYMPATHIZER fraud.

CO(coming out)
To “come out,” or reveal your role to the other players. Of course, you can lie.

対抗CO(counter CO)
To come out for the purpose of countering other people’s CO. In other words, you insist that you are telling the truth and that the others are not.

非X宣言(non X declaration)
To say that you are not X.
For example, 非占い師宣言

非占い師宣言(non DIVINER declaration)
To say that you are not a DIVINER.

非対抗宣言(non counter declaration)
For example, when you are a sympathizer and your partner already CO, you can say “I won’t counter them”. It means “I’m not coming out as a sympathizer now, but I may be a partner”. It doesn’t mean “I’m not a sympathizer”.

To come out as a DIVINER

To come out as a MEDIUM

守護者CO(guard CO)
To come out as a GUARD. If you come out recklessly, it may not be beneficial. However, in some cases, a guard CO may be beneficial. I’ll introduce some examples, but this may not always be the best strategy.

To come out when you are divined as a wolf.
To escape execution CO
To come out to narrow down the amount of ASH players.
To come out to inform other players that the person you defended is a human.
To counter CO

狂人CO(Lunatic CO)

人狼CO,わおーん(Wolf CO)
To come out as a werewolf.
cf. PP

PP(Power Play)
The number of votes on the wolf’s side is more than villager’s side.
For example, there are 2 wolf(W), 1 lunatic(L) and 2 villager(V). WWLVV. The wolf’s side has 3 votes, while the villager’s side has 2 votes. If all the wolves vote for 1 human, they will win. In other words, if all the wolves come out, provided that the lunatic comes out as well, and kill 1 human, then they will win. If you (as a lunatic) would like to kill a human, and can vote for yourself, you might say to the wolves, “Please vote for me”. At this point, the wolves should also consider whether or not the lunatic really wants to live. If the scenario is WWWLVVVV, where both the wolf and villager’s side have 4 votes, then the execution will be done at random. This is called a RPP(random power play).
By the way, you cannot vote for yourself at the moment. Therefore, if you are on the villager’s side and a PP occurs, you might still be able to win. For example, when the players are WLV, and W and L come out, you can impersonate a Wolf or a Lunatic. The true wolf and lunatic won’t know each other’s identity. It’s up to you to fool them. When you impersonate a wolf and the true lunatic believes that you are the true wolf, you can win. You, of course, vote for the true wolf to execute them. The true wolf must think like this: The fake wolf (= you) must vote me. In short, I will get at least 1 vote. In order to execute another player, they will get 2 votes. The true lunatic can’t vote to themselves, so If I vote to them, they will get only 1 vote. It’s a useless attempt. I should vote to the fake wolf (= you). Then you and true wolf will get 1 vote. If the true lunatic vote to you, the wolves’ side win. If the true lunatic vote to the true wolf, you win.
If you impersonate a lunatic, the percentage will be unfavorable. The true lunatic obviously will not vote for the true wolf, so they will vote for you instead. You must vote for the true wolf in order to execute them. If the true wolf votes for you, then you will get 2 votes and lose. If the true wolf votes for the true lunatic, all players will get 1 vote. Therefore, the execution will be done at random.

To vote for yourself. Whether or not you can vote for yourself is different depending on which system the game is played. In addition, if you change the execution target once, you can’t vote for yourself.

回避CO(escape CO)
For example, when you become the target of a divination or execution, you can perform a CO of a role from the VILLAGE’S side in order to avoid suspicion. Since the VILLAGE’S side consists only of humans, you can insist that targeting you is “a waste of a divination or execution.” If you are a werewolf or fox, you can still perform an ESCAPE CO, but how effective it is depends on whether or not the other players believe you. Of course, you can perform an ESCAPE CO from the WEREWOLF’s side as well.
Leader: “I’ve decided that the target of today’s execution is ヨアヒム (今日の処刑はヨアヒムで)”
ヨアヒム:”I’m a DIVINER, so please change the target!(私は占い師です。なので対象を変えてください!)” = 吊り回避CO(escape execution CO)
Leader:”I’ve decided that the target of today’s divination is ディーン. Will you ESCAPE?(今日の占いはディーンね。回避ある?)”
ディーン:”No.” = 非回避CO(non escape CO)
Leader:”Then, let’s divine ディーン today.(じゃディーン占いで)”

占い回避CO(escape divination CO)

吊り回避CO(escape execution CO)

投票CO(vote CO)
To come out by vote. For example, you decide that the DIVINER votes for ヨアヒム and the other players vote for ディーン.

初回投票CO(the first time vote CO)
To come out by the first time vote. In short, from day 2 night to day 3 morning.

“書置き(a note left behind)
A message that you leave behind just before the dawn. If you use this to perform a CO, it’s called a “”書置きCO (left CO)””. For example, when you leave a note that says your partner is サイモン, the wolves may not be able to change the target to you in time. If someone fails to notice, they may make a slip of the tongue.”

スライドCO(shift CO)
To come out more than once as a different role.
e.g. When someone CO as a DIVINER, and you also CO as a DIVINER (even though you are actually a SYMPATHIZER), the werewolves might think “A Lunatic CO as a DIVINER” while the lunatic might think “A werewolf CO as a DIVINER”. After that, all the other players will state “I’m not a DIVINER (非占い師宣言 (non DIVINER declaration)”. At this time, you can you withdraw your previous declaration and come out as a SYMPATHIZER. You can make wolves and lunatic miss by impersonating as a DIVINER.

墓下CO(dead world CO)
To reveal secrets in the dead world.

ギドラCO(multiple CO, multi-CO)
To come out as multiple roles. ギドラ is short for キングギドラ(King Ghidorah). It is a monster which appear in movie of GODZILLA.

守鳴ギドラ(GS multi)
A strategy for the VILLAGE’S side. When you want to narrow down the amount of ASH players, but don’t want to reveal who the guard is, you can use this strategy. The Guard and sympathizer can say “I’m a guard or a sympathizer (multiple CO)”. If there are 3 CO, one might think that there’s only 1 true guard and 2 sympathizers. Likewise, the sympathizer won’t be able to do a shift CO. By doing this, you can hide the true guard.

GJ,守護者GJ(good job)
To be successfully protected by a GUARD. However, it’s also possible that the werewolf attacked a fox (who is immune to all wolf attacks) Alternatively, 偽装GJ.
cf. 偽装GJ, 手ごたえ

偽装GJ(fake GJ)
A feigned GJ. Werewolves can select the “パス(pass)” option as an attack target. If you select “pass”, the target for today will be whatever the other werewolves pick (your turn will be forfeited). If all werewolves select “pass”, there will be no attack on that day.
Most players can’t distinguish a GJ from a 偽装GJ. You can mislead others into believing in a GJ. If a GUARD has died, you can mislead others into believing that the GUARD is still alive.

When a guard’s protection is successful, they’ll be able to know. The following system message will be displayed on the guard’s screen: “N日目の夜、○○を襲撃から守った”
If this message is shown on your screen, it’s called “手ごたえがあった”. If this message is not shown on your screen, it’s called “手ごたえがなかった(no response)”. In addition, this message “○○は××を守っている。” means that you were defending someone last night, but it doesn’t mean that your protection was successful.

ロラ,ローラー作戦(roller strategy)
A strategy to divine or execute a particular group.
“Let’s execute all DIVINER one by one.”

統一占い(uni DV)
More than 2 DIVINER divine the same target.

片占い(half DV)
The person who was divined by some DIVINERs but not divined by other DIVINERs. Again, similar situation.

相互占い(reciprocal DV)
A DIVINER divines another DIVINER. If the fraud is a FOX, this can be useful.

交互占い(alternate DV)
A and B come out as a DIVINER. DIVINER A divines X and DIVINER B divines Y. The next day, DIVINER A divines Y and DIVINER B divines X. If a “curse” occurs, you may know the true DIVINER.

ゾーン占い(zone DV)
You tell a DIVINER to divine an individual from a select group of people. This will make it difficult for the divined target to be attacked.

仮決定(preliminary decision)
A preliminary decision that is made by the leader. The leader will announce this decision, and then ask for any opinions or “escape COs” before making a “final decision”.

本決定(final decision)

吊り手(number of executions)
The remaining number of executions that you can perform. For example, if a GJ occurs, then the remaining number of executions will sometimes change.
[How to count]
Scenario: 2 people will die every day, 1 by execution and 1 by attack. There is no fox.
If there’s currently 1 wolf remaining, then the final day will be when there’s only 3-4 people left (If 2 people die today, then there will only be 1-2 people alive the next day. If you kill the last wolf, then the village’s side wins. But if the last wolf is still alive, then the werewolf’s side wins because their win condition has been met.).
That said, if the game starts off with 17 people total (including the dummy), then the count will start from day 2 (since there are no executions on day 1) like so: 16>14>12>10>8>6>4>epilogue. If you count the number of “>” that appears, you will see that the total number of executions is 7.
If the fox is still alive, then the final day will be when there’s only 4-5 people left (One of which is a fox. They aren’t counted in the win condition, so technically, there’s really only 3-4 people left.). Of course, if you execute the fox today, the counting method will follow the foxless version. If the players are FHHW, and H is attacked and you kill F, resulting in only 2 players (HW) remaining, then the counting method will also follow the foxless version. If there is no fox, then the last day will be when there is only 3-4 people remaining. But if there are only 2 players left, then the game is finished. The reason being, even if you kill W today, there will still be a fox. Therefore, in a FHHW scenario, unless a GJ, fake GJ, attack on the fox, etc. occurs, the villagers’ side can’t win. If the scenario is FHHHW, and you kill a fox, the counting method will follow the foxless version. There will be 3 players (HHW) left, so the game will not end yet.
You write the number of each species. Werewolves and humans.
Dead fox: 16(W3H13)>14(3:11)>12(3:9)>10(3:7)>8(3:5)>6(2:4)>4(1:3)>ep
16 is day 2. There are 3 wolves, so the number of humans is 16 – 3 = 13. 6 is day 7. If there are 3 wolves, W3 and H3 = 6 – 3. In that case, the wolves have already won. In other words, unless you kill one wolf by day 7, the villagers’ side will lose. 4 is day 8. This has the same basis as day 7. If there are 2 wolves, W2 and H2, you must kill two wolves by day 8 or else the villagers’ side will lose.
Alive fox: 16(F1W3H12)>14(1:3:10)>12(1:3:8)>10(1:3:6)>8(1:3:4)>6(1:2:3)>4(1:1:2)>ep
This has the same basis as dead fox version. Foxes are not counted in the win condition, so you have to compare W with H. 6 is day 7. If there are 3 wolves and 1 fox, the number of humans will be 6 – (3 + 1) = 2. Therefore, the wolves have already won (well technically, the foxes win). You have to kill one wolf by day 7. Also, as I have explained, there will be a problem on day 8 when 4 players remain. Even if you kill a wolf or fox, unless wolves’ attack fails, the villagers’ side will lose.
[additional application]
Assuming that you will kill a wolf at some point in time.
Dead fox: 16(W3H13)>14(3~2:12~11)>12(3~1:11~9)>10(3~1:9~7)>8(3~1:7~5)>6(2~1:5~4)>4(1:3)>ep
16 is day 2. If you didn’t kill a wolf, then there will be 3 wolves at day 3 and the number of humans will be 14 – 3 = 11. If you did kill a wolf, then there will be 2 wolves at day 3 and the number of humans becomes 14 – 2 = 12. 12 is day 4. If there are 3 wolves, the number of humans is 12 – 3 = 9. If there is 1 wolf, the number of humans is 12 – 1 = 11. By doing this, you can calculate the range of players that are still alive for each species. 6 is day 7. If there are 3 wolves, the number of humans is 6 – 3 = 3. Therefore, the wolves have already won. All you have to do is add inside with inside, and outside with outside. Also, make sure that you do not have W ≥ H. Of course, at day 5 (10 players), there will be 0 wolf and 10 humans. But in this case, the villagers’ side have already won.
Alive fox: 16(F1W3H12)>14(1:3~2:11~10)>12(1:3~1:10~8)>10(1:3~1:8~6)>8(1:3~1:6~4)>6(1:2~1:4~3)>4(1:1:2)>ep
Basically, this is the same idea as the dead fox version. All you have to do is subtract 1 from the number of players remaining (this is for the fox).

奇数進行(odd number of remaining players)
If the game starts with only 16 players (including the dummy), then there will be an odd amount of players remaining at the start of day 2 when the dummy dies. If you consider the fact that under normal circumstances, 2 people will die every day, then it can be concluded that there will always be an odd number of players remaining at any given time. This is refered to as “奇数進行”. In this case, the total number of executions is 7 (15>13>11>9>7>5>3>ep). If a GJ occurs, you will notice that the total number of executions will not increase as much. For example, 15>GJ[14]>12>10>8>6>4>ep. Therefore, it’s easier for wolves to perform (a) an attack on the person who may be protected, or (b) “fake GJ”. If there are an even number of players remaining, and a GJ occurs, then the number of executions will increase. This will change the number of players remaining to an odd number. 8>6>4>ep → 8>GJ[7]>5>3>ep

偶数進行(even number of remaining players)

突然死者の処刑(executing a player who may perform sudden death)
If a sudden death occurs, 3 people will die that day. Therefore, you must pay attention to the number of executions. In some cases, the number of executions may even decrease. By targeting a person who is likely to perform sudden death, you can maintain the same number of executions.

The connection between players that can be inferred from sources such as their posts, [DV], [EX], etc. For example, there is DIVINER A, B and MEDIUM C, D. A and C say that “X is human”, while B and D say that “X is wolf”. Therefore, there is a connection between A and B, and a connection between C and D. There are 2 kinds of connections. One is what you can infer based on your judgement. The other is what you can infer based on posts. For example, who they want to execute.
ex.1 “I think they have a connection because their execution requests are similar. (あの二人にはラインがあると思う。処刑希望先が似てるし。)”
ex.2 “Let’s execute a zebra that was divined and have the Medium judge. In other words, let’s connect Diviner with Medium. I think it is easier to reason that way. (占判定でゼブラの人を吊って、霊能判定をみよう。つまり占霊のラインを繋げよう。その方が推理しやすいと思う。)”

ライン切り(connection break)
To hide your connections. For example, intentionally hoping to divine or execute your friend.

スケープゴート,SG(a scapegoat)
A person who is suspected in substitute for someone.
ex.1 “SGにする” “turn [somebody] into a scapegoat”
ex.2 “SGにされる” “be made a scapegoat”

LW(last wolf)


It’s just a pastime. To act as your character.
e.g. If you use “お散歩隊長 アシモフ”, you can say something like “Listen carefully. I’m a captain(隊長)! Call me Sir Asimov!”

コードネーム(code name)
For example, if you’re a wolf and you accidentally say “Hey, サイモン. Let’s eat ディーン today!”, the other players will know you and サイモン are wolves. To prevent this from happening, you can call サイモン, “Alex” as a code name. Additionally, you can name enemies or plans in order to prevent accidental slip ups. Sometimes, code names can also promote unity.

これはいつも最初に死ぬ人物で、ノンプレイヤーキャラクターである。彼の名はサイモン。彼は最初の晩に襲われ、翌朝死体で見つかる。サイモンの役職は必ず村人である。貴方が人狼である時、初日は彼しか襲撃できない。通常発言(normal statement)
囁きや独り言などを除いた、通常の発言。能力者(ability users)
3)占い師と霊能者墓下(dead world)



騙り(fraud, cheat)


占い師騙り(DIVINER fraud)

ステルス,潜伏 (lurker)


占う(to divine)


処刑する,吊る(to execute)


“I want [AT]ヨアヒム.(I want to attack ヨアヒム)” ヨアヒムはキャラクターの名前。

Xが無残な姿で発見された。(The tragic remains of X were discovered.)

突然死(sudden death)

“punctuation mark(約物)”

“I want [DV]ヨアヒム today. (I want to divine ヨアヒム today)”
“I disagree. We shouldn’t do [DV]ヨアヒム ([DV]ヨアヒムには反対です)”

“I want [EX]ヨアヒム. (I want to execute ヨアヒム.)”

<I divined トーマス and he is a WOLF>

@(残りの発言ポイント, 残りのアクション回数)
Werewolf Part 3 の”About interface”を読んでください。残りの発言ポイントを伝えたい時に、この記号を使う。
@700pt (あと700pt.)

寡黙(a quiet person)

中庸(a moderate talker)

多弁(a talkative person)

多占寡吊(多弁を占い、寡黙を吊る戦術 to divine a talkative person and to execute a quiet person)

中庸占い(中庸を占う戦術 to divine a moderate talker)

寡占寡吊(占いも吊りも寡黙に使う戦術 to divine and execute a quiet person)


確定白(confirmed white)
客 観的に見て、絶対に白だと思えるプレイヤーのこと。もちろん、このゲームに絶対はない。例えば、占い師が2人COしていて、これ以上占い師がCOして来な い事を前提とし、真占い師は絶対に嘘をつかないとすると、両方の占い師から人間だと判定されたプレイヤーは”確定白”である。確定白を作っていく事は重 要。




“Let’s divine ASH to narrow down the amount of ASH players.”

White A>>B≧C>D Black


まとめ役制度(leader system)

個人戦(an individual match)


CO(coming out)

対抗CO(counter CO)

非X宣言(non X declaration)

非占い師宣言(non DIVINER declaration)

非対抗宣言(non counter declaration)



守護者CO(guard CO)
To come out when you was divined as a wolf.
escape execution CO
To come out to narrow down the amount of ASH players.
To come out to inform other players that a person who you defended is humans.
To counter CO

狂人CO(Lunatic CO)

人狼CO,わおーん(Wolf CO)
cf. PP

PP(Power Play)
例 えば、2匹の狼(W)と1人の狂人(L)と2人の村人(V)が居るとして。WWLVV。狼側は3票持ってる。村側は2票持ってる。全ての狼サイドが一人の 人間に投票すれば、彼らの勝利となる。なので狼達はCOでき、狂人にCOを求める事ができる。一人の「人間」を殺せれば良いので、自分に投票できるなら、 狂人は「私に投票してくれ」と言うことも出来る。もちろん、狼達は狂人が本当に生存しているか考える必要がある。WWWLVVVVの時は、狼側4票。村側 4票なので、処刑はランダムになる。これはRPP(random power play)。
ところで今回は、自分には投票できない。なのでもし貴 方が村側でPPが発生しても、勝てるかもしれない。例えば、WLVで狼と狂人がCOしてる時、貴方は狼か狂人を騙る事が出来る。本物の狼と狂人もお互いを 知らないから。彼らを騙さないといけない。貴方が狼を騙って本物の狂人が、貴方を本物の狼だと信じたなら、勝てる。貴方は当然、狼を処刑する為に本物の狼 に1票入れる。真狼はこう考えるに違いない。偽者の狼(= 貴方)は自分に投票するに違いない。つまり私は少なくとも一票得る。他のプレイヤーを処刑するには、その人に2票入れる必要がある。真狂は自分に投票でき ないから、私が真狂に投票しても、一票しか入らない。それでは意味が無い。私は偽狼(= 貴方)に投票するべきだ。となると、貴方と真狼は1票ずつ入る。真狂が貴方に投票したら、狼側の勝ち。真狂が真狼に投票すれば、貴方の勝ちだ。


回避CO(escape CO)
例 えば、占いや吊りのターゲットと成った時に、対象から外れる為に村側の能力者としてCOすること。村側の能力者は必ず人間なので、自分を対象にする事は占 いや吊りの無駄遣いだと主張できる。貴方が狼や狐でも、回避COする事が出来る。結果は信用されるかどうかによるが。もちろん人狼側の能力者として回避 COしてもよい。
Leader: “I’ve decided that the target of today’s execution is ヨアヒム (今日の処刑はヨアヒムで)”
ヨアヒム:”I’m a DIVINER, so please change the target!(私は占い師です。なので対象を変えてください!)” = 吊り回避CO(escape execution CO)
Leader:”I’ve decided that the target of today’s divination is ディーン. Will you ESCAPE?(今日の占いはディーンね。回避ある?)”
ディーン:”No.” = 非回避CO(non escape CO)
Leader:”Then, let’s divine ディーン today.(じゃディーン占いで)”

占い回避CO(escape divination CO)

吊り回避CO(escape execution CO)

投票CO(vote CO)

初回投票CO(the first time vote CO)

書置き(a note left behind)
夜明けの直前に残すメッセージ。これを使ってCOすれば”書置きCO (left CO)”となる。例えば、「自分の相方はサイモンだ」という書置きをすれば、狼の襲撃先変更が間に合わないかもしれない。見落としてる人が居れば、失言してくれるかもしれない。

スライドCO(shift CO)
例 えば、占い師が一人COしていて、貴方が共鳴者の時、貴方も占い師としてCOする。人狼は「狂人が占い師としてCOした」と思うかもしれず、狂人は「人狼 が占い師としてCOした」と思うかもしれない。その後、全ての他のプレイヤーに「私は占い師ではない(非占い師宣言)」をさせる。その後、貴方はCOを撤 回し、共鳴者としてCOし直す。そうする事で、狼と狂人の占い師騙りを防ぐ。

墓下CO(dead world CO)

ギドラCO(multiple CO, multi-CO)
複数の役職としてCOする事。ギドラはキングギドラ(King Ghidorah)の略。これは映画ゴジラに出てくるモンスター。

守鳴ギドラ(GS multi)

GJ,守護者GJ(good job)
cf. 偽装GJ, 手ごたえ

偽装GJ(fake GJ)

も しこのメッセージが表示されたら、”手ごたえがあった”と言う。このメッセージが表示されない時は、”手ごたえがなかった(no response)”と言う。なお、「○○は××を守っている。」というメッセージは「あなたが昨夜、誰かを守っていた」という事実を意味するが、「襲撃 から守る事に成功した(GJ)」という意味ではない。

ロラ,ローラー作戦(roller strategy)
“Let’s execute all DIVINER one by one.”

統一占い(uni DV)

片占い(half DV)

相互占い(reciprocal DV)

交互占い(alternate DV)

ゾーン占い(zone DV)

仮決定(preliminary decision)

本決定(final decision)

吊り手(number of executions)
前提: 吊りと襲撃によって毎日2人ずつ死ぬ。狐が居ない時。
この様に数える: 16>14>12>10>8>6>4>epilogue. “>”の数を数えればよい。この場合、吊り手は7回。
も し狐がまだ生きていたら、最終日は4または5人が残る。(一人は狐である。狐は勝利条件ではカウントされない。なので勝利判定においては、3または4人 残ってる事になる。)もちろん今日狐を処刑したら、吊り手の数え方は狐無しバージョンに移行する。もしFHHWで、Hが襲撃され、Fを処刑すれば、2人の プレイヤー(HW)が残り、吊り手の数え方は狐無しバージョンに移行する。狐が居ない時は、3~4人が最終日である。なので、2人しか居ないのであれば、 既にゲームは終わっている。なぜなら例え、今日狼を処刑しても、狐が残る。なのでFHHWにおいて、GJや偽装GJや「狐を襲撃」などが起こらなければ、 村側は勝てない。もしFHHHWで狐を処刑したなら、吊り手計算は狐無しバージョンに移行し、3人のプレイヤー(HHW)が生存しているので、ゲームはま だ終わらない。
Dead fox: 16(W3H13)>14(3:11)>12(3:9)>10(3:7)>8(3:5)>6(2:4)>4(1:3)>ep
16 は2日目。3匹の狼が居るので、人間の数は16 – 3 = 13。6は7日目。もし3匹狼が居たら、W3でH3 = 6 – 3。この場合、狼は既に勝っている。言い換えれば、7日目までに一匹吊らなければ、村は負ける。4は8日目。これは7日目と同じ理屈。もし狼が2匹居た ら、W2でH2。8日目までに2匹吊らないと、村は負ける。
Alive fox: 16(F1W3H12)>14(1:3:10)>12(1:3:8)>10(1:3:6)>8(1:3:4)>6(1:2:3)>4(1:1:2)>ep
dead foxバージョンと同じ。狐は勝利判定ではカウントされないので、WとHを比べなきゃいけない。6は7日目。もし狼が3匹で狐1匹なら、人間の数は6 – (3 + 1) = 2。なので、狼が既に勝っている。(もちろん、正確には狐の勝ち。)7日目までに一匹吊らないといけない。さらに、既に説明したが、8日目(4人の日)は 危機的な状況である。狼や狐を吊っても、襲撃がミスしなければ、村は負ける。
Dead fox: 16(W3H13)>14(3~2:12~11)>12(3~1:11~9)>10(3~1:9~7)>8(3~1:7~5)>6(2~1:5~4)>4(1:3)>ep
16 は2日目。狼を吊れてなければ、3日目には3匹の狼が居て、人間の数は14 – 3 = 11。もし狼を吊れていれば、3日目には2匹の狼が居て、人間の数は14 – 2 = 12。12は4日目。狼が3匹居たら、人間の数は12 – 3 = 9。狼が1匹なら、人間は12 – 1 = 11。この書式なら、各種族の生存数の範囲を知る事が出来る。6は7日目。3匹の狼が居たら、人間は6 – 3 = 3人。なので、狼は既に勝っている。貴方がするのは内側と内側を足す、または外側と外側を足すだけ。あとはW ≥ Hに成らないように気をつける。もちろん、5日目(プレイヤーが10人の日)、狼が0匹に成ったら、人間は10人。でもこの場合、村は既に勝っている。
Alive fox: 16(F1W3H12)>14(1:3~2:11~10)>12(1:3~1:10~8)>10(1:3~1:8~6)>8(1:3~1:6~4)>6(1:2~1:4~3)>4(1:1:2)>ep
基本的に、dead foxバージョンと同じ。まず生存者から1引かないといけない。(狐の分)

奇数進行(odd number of remaining players)
16 人でゲーム開始の場合(ダミー込みで)、1日目はダミーだけが死に、2日目には奇数のプレイヤー(15人)が残る。この日から毎日2人ずつ死ぬ事を前提に すると、常に奇数のプレイヤーが残り続ける。これが”奇数進行”である。この場合、吊り手は7回。 (15>13>11>9>7>5>3>ep)。もしGJが発生しても、吊り手は増えない。例えば、 15>GJ[14]>12>10>8>6>4>ep。なので狼は、(a)GJ覚悟で守られてそうなプレイヤー を襲撃しにいく、(b)偽装GJする、などをしやすい。もし偶数進行でGJが起きれば、吊り手は増える。そして奇数進行へと移行する。 8>6>4>ep → 8>GJ[7]>5>3>ep

偶数進行(even number of remaining players)

突然死者の処刑(executing a player who may perform sudden death)

発 言や占いや処刑から推理できるプレイヤー同士の繋がり。例えば、占い師A, Bが居て、霊能者C, Dが居る時、AとCは「Xは人間だ」と言い、BとDは「Xは狼だ」と言った時、AとBの間にはラインがあると言える。CとDの間にもラインがある。ライン には2種類あり、一つは判定から分かるもの。もう一つは発言から分かるもの。例えば、誰を処刑したがって居るか。
ex.1 “I think they have a connection because their requests of execute are alike. (あの二人にはラインがあると思う。処刑希望先が似てるし。)”
ex.2 “Let’s execute a zebra of divination and have Medium judge. In short, let’s connect Diviner with Medium. I think it is easier to reason. (占判定でゼブラの人を吊って、霊能判定をみよう。つまり占霊のラインを繋げよう。その方が推理しやすいと思う。)”

ライン切り(connection break)

スケープゴート,SG(a scapegoat)
ex.1 “SGにする” “turn [somebody] into a scapegoat”
ex.2 “SGにされる” “be made a scapegoat”

LW(last wolf)


例えば、”お散歩隊長 アシモフ”を使ってたら、こんな風に言う。”聞けお前ら!私は隊長である!Sir Asimovと呼べ!”

コードネーム(code name)
例 えば、貴方が狼で「おい、サイモン。ディーンを喰おうぜ!」みたいな発言ミスをしてしまうと、他のプレイヤーは貴方とサイモンは人狼だと分かってしまう。 こんな事故を防ぐ為に、サイモンにAlexというコードネームをつけたり出来る。さらに他のプレイヤーとか計画にも、それがバレるのを防ぐ為に名前をつけ たり出来る。例えば、間違って「狂人には霊能者としてもっと頑張って欲しいなぁ」と言ってしまうと、偽霊能者が狼でなく狂人だとバレてしまう。コードネー ムを使ったほうが良い。コードネームは結束を深める事もある。

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